You Make a Difference
“As a supporter of ACT for over 20 years, I've seen the work firsthand and know that my gift is making a difference. It’s simple: My heart breaks every time I think of children growing up without love, support, and opportunities. When I donate to ACT, I know that I'm helping give children, parents, and families the resources and supports to thrive. I’m helping build a stronger Alaska."
Tlisa Northcutt
Thank you for making our important work possible.
$250,000 and above
State of Alaska -
Dept of Health
$100,000 - $249,999
Georgetown University
Municipality of Anchorage
Saltchuk Companies
State of Alaska - DCCED
$50,000 - $99,999
Annie E Casey Foundation
Alaska Community Foundation
Alliance for Early Success
STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Carol H. Brice Family Center
Costco Wholesale
Mat-Su Health Foundation
State of Alaska - Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
Richard L. & Diane Block Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Afterschool Alliance
Alaska Airlines
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Carrs Foundation
ConocoPhillips Alaska
Cook Inlet Tribal Council
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
First National Bank of Alaska
Marathon Petroleum
Northern Star Resources Limited
Providence Health & Services
Susan & Jim Reeves
Seattle Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Alaska Humanities Forum
Alaska Oil and Gas Association
Elizabeth Songvilay
Deborah Bonito & Mark Begich
Rebecca Brice Henderson & Todd Henderson
Eric & Joanna Croft
Doyon Limited
Adam Gibbons
Lile Gibbons
The Honorable Mike Navarre
The Pride Foundation
Providence Alaska Foundation
Gretchen Guess
Marilyn Romano
Drs. Elizabeth & William Saltonstall, Jr
The Hon. Ivy Spohnholz & Troy Bowler
Sultana New Ventures
The Franklin Institute
Wells Fargo
$2,500 - $4,999
Edward Jones
Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
Alaskans Together for Equality
Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Cook Inlet Region, Inc
Sherry & Bob Dugan
General Communications Inc
Diane Kaplan
Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance
Mt. McKinley Bank
MTA Foundation, Inc.
Rich Dyson
$1,000 - $2,499
Thea Agnew Bemben
Alaska Gateway School District
Eleanor Andrews
Ginger Baim
Barbara & Gary Baugh
Joshua Brunnhoelzl
Hannah Roberts & Mark Burgess
Credit Union 1
Denali Daniels
Greg & Kayla Deal
Denali Daniels + Associates, Inc.
Sana Efird
Eielson Spouses’ Club
ENSTAR Natural Gas Company
Heather Flynn
Foundation Health Partners
Craig Fredeen
Girdwood Chapel
Global Credit Union
Donna Goldsmith & John Letourneau
Elayne Hunter
Amy Skilbred
Juneau School District
Sarah & Rodney Kleedehn
Nashelly & José Luis II Martinez H.
Shannon & Jason Metrokin
Ivan Moore Julie Neyhart
Tlisa & Scott Northcutt
Margaret & John Pugh
Cathryn Rasmuson
Evan & Barb Rose
Herbert Schroeder & Lina Iazzell
Trent & Lisa Taylor
The Frances and David Rose Foundation
The Honorable Natasha Von Imhof and Rudolph
Von Imhof
The Usibelli Foundation
Three Bears Alaska, Inc.
Lt. Governor Fran Ulmer
$500 - $999
Abused Women's Aid in Crisis
Jeff Baird
Margo Bellamy
Boys & Girls Clubs Alaska
Sam Brice
Carolyn Brown
Suzanne Carte-Cocroft & Steve Cocroft
Linda Chamberlain
Clare House
Cindy & John Conway
Combined Federal Campaign
Covenant House Alaska
Jamie Delman
Michelle Crow
Denali State Bank
Leslie & Don Ellis
Fidelity Charitable - Yield Giving Open Call Fund
Michele Girault
Jennifer & Danny Griffis
Erin Hamilton
Tamera & John Hargesheimer
Rebecca Judd
Jonathan & Elizabeth King
Wendy Lindskoog
Lael and Mark Oldmixon
Gloria O'Neill
Governor Sean Parnell & First Lady Sandy Parnell
Aaron Ramirez
Recover Alaska
Lisa Rieger
Ken Severin
Tom Shay
Slayden Plumbing & Heating Inc
Colette & Alex Slivka
Trevor Storrs & Steve Smith
Bill Streur
The Children's Funding Project
The Sourdough Mercantile
Edward Ulman
Volunteers of America Alaska
Sierra Wojcik
$250 - $499
Joel Adkins
Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Inc.
James Ayers
Betsy Baker
Howard Bellamy
Laura & Clay Butcher
Karen Caindec
German Fernandez Del Toro
Janel Gagnon
Brit Galanin
Rep. Alyse Galvin
Kevin Gray
Diane Gubatayao
Angela & Michael Hanley
Karen Hansen
Jana Hayenga
Patty & Lee Holmes
Charlene & Roy Huhndorf
Image Optical, Inc.
Brooke Ivy
Gretchen M. Klein
Travis Klover
Sioux-z & Jordan Marshall
Julia Martinez
Alex McKay
Cindy & Butch Moore
Joy & Mark Neyhart
Deborah Northburg
Northstar Energy
Lisa Parker
Joshua Parks
Sammye & Vincent Pokryfki
Natasha Pope
Elizabeth & Ed Ripley
Laura Schue
Gail & Jan Sieberts
Moira Smith
State of Alaska Community Share Campaign
Margaret Stern
MJ Thim
Turnagain United Methodist Church
Jessica Ullrich
Colin Underwood
Governor William Walker & First Lady Donna Walker
Susan Wibker
Shane & Julie Woodworth
$249 and below
Cameron Adams
James Anderson
Susan & Kevin Anderson
Jayne Andreen & Patrick Sheppard
Kari Atwood
Linda & John Baker
Debi Baldwin
Janice Banta
Rachel Batres
The Honorable Thomas Begich & Sarah Sledge
Stephanie & Sven Berglund
Kathryn Berkowitz
Ginger Blackmon
Shane Blattler
Mary Ann Borchert
Brandie Rolark
Norman Brewer
Kim Garrett & Tom Brice
Caroline Brown
Anthony Burden
Kari Burrell
Barbara & Larry Cash
Mary Ann & James Cerney
Ronnie Chalmers
Aribash Coles
Francine Cournos
David Crow
Elaine M Dahlgreen & Eugene H Dahlgreen
Arthur Dahlin
Dacia Davis
Tina and John Delapp
Diane Disanto
Rachel Doyle
The Honorable Harriet Drummond
Barbara Dubovich
Brooke Dudley
Tre-C Dumais
Senator Forrest Dunbar
Shonti Elder
Carolyn Ellingwood & Dave Bateman
Ryan Enderson
Kristin English
Jennifer & John Ferguson
Darleen Fernandez
Matt Fishler
Laura L Fleming
Amanda Foster
Rosa Foster
Koreen Burrow & David Fox
Joshua Franks
The Honorable Les Gara & Kelly Gara
Gideon Garcia
LeeAnn Garrick
Sally Gibert
Senator Cathy Giessel and Richard Giessel
Kelly Gitter
Gordon Glaser
Carmen Goodwin
Representative Andrew Gray
Senator Elvi Gray-Jackson
Laurel Griffis
Representative Clifford Groh & Theresa Philbrick
Tiffany Hall
Jennifer Harlos
Marnie Hartill
Deb Haynes
Judy Helgeson
Joseph C Hemphill
Barbara Henjum
Abbe & William Hensley
Carolyn Heyman
Rebecca J Himschoot
Timothy Hinterberger
Andy Holleman
Estella & Brian Holst
Melanie Hooper
Donald Jacobson
Erin Janoso
Cornelia Jessen
Alma Johnson
Derek Johnston
Emily Jones
Jewel Jones
Monte Jordan
Lora Jorgensen
Wilson Justin
Joseph Justiniano
Andrew Kaplan
Eleanor Kaplan
Rosemary Karish
Lisa Keller
Sarah Keller & Cary
J Gwen Kennedy
Knik Tribe
Teresa Koehler
John Kreilkamp
Corinne Kubena
Mark Lackey
Maggie Lehnerz
Marilyn Leland
Vicki & John Lewis
Melanie & Rowan Lee
Michael Martz
David Matheson
Kathleen McArdle
Paitoon & Donald McCleary
Katie McClellan
Sally Mead
Kyle Mehalek
Vivian Melde
Helen Meyers
Clark & Karen Milne
Representative Genevieve Mina
Sherry Modrow & Brian Rogers
Erin Morotti
Kyla Morris
Corbett Mothe
Michelle Mueller
Christa Mulder
Network for Good
Beth & James Nordlund
Stefanie O'Brien
Jody and Jeff Olsen
Rebecca Parker
Jerry Parsons
Peter Partnow
Margaret Perdue
Kaila Pfister
Laura Pfister
Kathleen Porterfield & Norwood Eggeling
Project GRAD Kenai Peninsula
Carl Propes
Stephanie & Austin Quinn-Davidson
Robert A Reagan
Taber Rehbaum
Karen & Robert Rehfeld
Mary Ann Renkert
Daniel Reyes
Phyllis Rhodes
Sharon Richards
Chelsea Riekkola
Brenda Riley
Brenda Riley
Clare Ross
Jon Ross
Sharon & Jeffrey Samuels
Alice Samuelson
Jaimey Sapp
Nancy & Joe Schierhorn
Jennifer Schmitz
Debra Schnabel
Representative Calvin Schrage & Heather Schrage
Michael Schwarz
Michelle Schwenn
Rhonda Scott
Jody Seitz
Christine Sherman
Amy L Simonds
Taylor Southcentral Foundation
Helena Spector
Susan Stone
Cheryl & Bob Storrs
Representative Andi Story & Michael Story
Christiana Strand
Brittany Sturdevant
Marc Suhr
Nicole Swenson
Saralyn Tabachnick
Franny Thompson
Frederick Torrisi
James Tunnell
UA Local 375 Voluntary Charitable
United Way of Anchorage
United Way of Mat- Su
Peter Van Brunt
Amber Vaska
Brent & Shelly Veltkamp
Shelly Vendetti-Vuckovich
Sandy Wagner
Karen Wallace
Sallye Werner
Julie Wild-Curry & Thomas Curry
Sarah Williams
Gina Wilmink
William Witmer
Julie Wrigley
Sherrydawn Wygant
About Our Donor Honor Roll
For this Donor Honor Roll, we are acknowledging our 2023 donors. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we acknowledge that errors can occur. If we have omitted, misplaced or misspelled your name, please contact Kaila Pfister, kpfister@alaskachildrenstrust.org or call 907-248-7378.
Legacy Society
The legacy honorific society recognizes individuals who have made gifts to Alaska Children's Trust through wills and bequests, naming the Alaska Children's Trust as a beneficiary of their life insurance or retirement assets. To get more information, email or call Julia Martinez, jmartinez@alaskachildrenstrust.org or call 907-248-7375.