Research & Data
As a data-driven organization working to protect Alaska’s children and youth and elevate the needs of this vulnerable population, Alaska Children’s Trust recognizes that accurate, reliable, and easily accessible information is essential.
Producing, gathering, and analyzing reliable data about children, youth, and families - disaggregated by race, region, ethnicity, and income where available - is our expertise.
Sharing this data in easy-to-use formats with our Alaska community members and policymakers is a critical part of our work- helping to reveal obstacles, shine a light on disparities, elevate successes, and answer the larger question -
If Alaska’s children were thriving, how would we know?
Browse our most recent data and publications below, or if you need help finding more data or specific data pieces, contact us at kidsfirst@email.alaskachildrenstrust.org
KIDS COUNT Alaska is focused on continually raising awareness of the needs and challenges of children, youth and families throughout Alaska. See some of the key 2021 statistics on children and families below or access our full data set here.

Economic Cost of Child Abuse
Many look at the effects of child abuse with a short-term lens, leaving out the detrimental impacts to victims that can last a lifetime. In this study, we looked at those impacts and their associated exorbitant costs to society and to the individual.
Alaska Children’s Budget
Financial resources are key to alleviating the stressors that can cause child abuse and neglect. The Children’s Budget documents how the State of Alaska chooses to spend our financial resources related to children, youth and families.
Success Stories
The Alaska Shipyard Where the ‘Manliest Man’ Meditate each Morning from the Guardian, 2018
Taking Back Control: How a Remote Island in Alaska Tackled Domestic Violence from the Guardian, 2018
Changing the Mindset of the Healthcare System from Alaska Public Media, 2018
Principal Progress: Trauma-Informed Efforts at One Alaska Elementary School from ACEs Connection, 2018
Program Increases Awareness of Effects of Childhood Trauma from the Juneau Empire, 2018