Partnering for Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is National Child Abuse Prevention month, an effort to raise public awareness about and take a stand against child abuse and neglect. It is a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities who work together to prevent child abuse and neglect, and to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families through positive childhood experiences. At ACT, we know that to reach every Alaskan, our relationship with partners across the state is our biggest asset.
That’s why this April, we want to give you the tools you need to help spread the word on Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Trainings & Events
Throughout April, organizations across Alaska are offering free trainings and events—both virtual and in-person—focused on child safety, positive parenting, and building resilience. Whether you're a caregiver, educator, or community member, there’s something for everyone to learn and engage in.
April 4, 2025 is Go Blue Day!
Let’s raise awareness and show Alaskans how they can take part in Child Abuse Prevention Month by kicking off the month with a BIG, BLUE day. On Friday, April 4, we encourage partners to prep their community to GO BLUE! Wear blue, paint your nails, make food blue, create signs, and get creative with your blue ideas! Get ideas for getting your kids involved through ACT’s Go Blue Activity Book.
Then, let the world know. Post on social media and tag #gobluedayAK on Facebook or Instagram to be featured on the Alaska Children’s Trust page.
Here are some ideas for you to support Go Blue Day:
Most importantly, wear blue on the first Friday in April (April 4, 2025). Take a selfie and post it on Facebook or Instagram using #GoBlueDayAK
Send an email to everyone at work and friends and family, encouraging them to wear blue.
Hang up posters at work or in the community.
The Social Media Toolkit for April 2025 Has Arrived!
Each year, ACT releases a toolkit of materials (including sample communication pieces, suggestions for outreach, and advocacy opportunities). Whether you use the tools in their entirety, in part, or simply for inspiration, we at Alaska Children’s Trust are here to help. If you need assistance, please contact ACT Director of Communications Mirna Estrada at (907)248-7276.
You can also access the social media pieces in Google Drive here or in Canva here (where you can personalize them with your colors or brand logo).
Child Abuse Prevention Month Free Materials
Child Abuse Prevention Month material orders are now closed. If you've ordered materials, you can expect to receive them in late March. If you missed our order window this year, please subscribe to our newsletter for future notifications. Reach out to Kaila Pfister here and we will see if we have extra supplies once we fill our current orders.
Thank you for working with Alaska Children's Trust to ensure children, youth, and families have the knowledge, skills, supports, and resources to thrive.
Mini Grants for Child Abuse Prevention Month - CLOSED March 7
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a nationwide effort to raise awareness about the impacts and signs of child abuse and neglect and support communities in ways that prevent child abuse and neglect from occurring. In April, we recognize the families and communities working to prevent child abuse and neglect and promote the social and emotional well-being of children, youth, and families.
This year, Child Abuse Prevention Month mini grants are available for organizations to implement two specific activities. Please read this entire grant summary for details on the mini grants ACT is offering in 2025. If you have questions regarding these grants, please contact Eliza Posner here.
Organizations are invited to apply for one or both mini grant options. Your organization can receive up to $300 for each option ($600 if you choose to host both a Lived Experience Event and a LEAN on Me training).
Due Date: March 7, 2025 -CLOSED
Applications are accepted from qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, or equivalent organizations located in the state of Alaska. Equivalent organizations may include tribes, local or state governments, schools, or regional educational attendance areas.
Individuals, for-profit, 501(c)(4) or (c)(6) organizations, non-Alaska based organizations, and federal government agencies are not eligible for competitive grants. Applicants with outstanding and past due grant requirements are ineligible for funding.
Applicants can apply for up to $300 per option ($600 total). Funds can be used for venue/equipment rental, food, outreach materials, staff time, compensation for other support individuals, or other supplies needed for the activity.
No final report required. After your event, please email grants@alaskachildrenstrust.org with photos, statistics of the people who participated, and highlights of your event. We also encourage organizations to post pictures of the activity on social media and tag our social media accounts and/or use any one of the following hashtags: #gobluedayAK #poweredbyhope #CAPMonth2025